Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Selection notes

Selection notes A few notes from selection: No decisions are yet final. We are still working on each decision: which students will be admitted, which will be deferred to regular action, and which students will be denied during this stage. In parallel, we are preparing to mail out decisions. All decisions will be sent via postal mail. We will not be releasing decisions on the web, on email, or over the phone. The date of the mailing will be announced on the blogs when we mail the decisions. Selection time is a very busy time! Most of us are very behind on email, phone calls, etc. (including blogging, questions omnibus, replying to comments, et al.). I apologize! Until early action decisions are finalized, selection is job one. I havent gotten to see many student-friends lately, but Mike 09 and Solomon 06 did stop by to drop off a copy of the new CD by Resonance, which Jenny and I listened to while conducting important admissions business. Its still unknown exactly how many students we will admit during early action, but it is likely to be fewer than last years 383, and with application numbers up, we are likely to see a record low EA admit rate, lower than last years 14%. I dont say this to scare you, but rather to be honest about how things are looking here. Admitting a class is hard work, full of many difficult decisions. This year, we have a great applicant pool, with more terrific applicants than we could possibly ever hope to admit. Hence, I am quite excited about the students that we will admit, and encouraged by the quality of the deferred applicants that we will get to reconsider during the regular action round. Tomorrow, the work continues. Be patient. And as Ive said, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Best wishes!

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